Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mechwarrior Online [PC]

I am pretty excited about the upcoming release of Mechwarrior Online. It should be due out sometime this (Southern Hemisphere) winter. At a quick glance it seems a bit like World of Tanks, which I just reviewed but I am hoping there are a few things that make it better. Firstly although tanks are cool, mechs are even cooler. They are bigger, tougher, meaner and some of them can even fly, for short distances. Secondly the different classes look much more effective at fulfilling their roles. Scouts for example are really fast and get xp from spotting targets whilst the assault mechs are mega slow yet take an absolute beating and can dish out the damage too. Finally moving and shooting are an important aspect of the game. The problem with World of Tanks is that because you are more inaccurate whilst moving the gameplay tends towards hiding in a bush waiting to ambush someone who got bored. This does not look like the case for Mechwarrior.

Don't just take my word for it though, have a look at this great collection of videos on rock paper shotgun and then head over here to register your pilot name and also have a chance to go into the beta.

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