Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trainyard Express and Trainyard [iOS]

Trainyard and Trainyard Express are two puzzle games based on the same concept, get your trains safely home. Trainyard Express is the free version which features 60 unique puzzles and the full version Trainyard, has 150 completely new puzzles. The full version is currently retailing for $1.19 AUD.

Rocks are the least of your worries.

Some levels look simple but are really quite hard.
In Trainyard you draw track onto the screen guiding your trains to safety. Like all great puzzle games this sounds simple but it becomes quite complex. Trains come in all different colours and you need to guide them safely to the right colour station. Trains can also change colour by being painted or through touching different coloured trains. Trains can be combined together into one single train by merging them on the tracks which is something you need to do a lot of in harder levels. The game does a good job of guiding you through all the concepts in the early levels before you are left to your own to tackle the more difficult puzzles. On the iPhone drawing the tracks can be a little frustrating at times as the squares are so small. This is not such a big issue as there are the erase and undo buttons to get you quickly back to where you started.
4 trains merging into 2 then ultimately 1.

Trainyard is a solid puzzler and with so much free content it is definitely worth a try. If you love the game you can go on and buy the full version and if you don't you haven't lost anything 8/10. 


  1. I did lose hours of my life!!! ;P

  2. If you are short on time you shouldn't be spending it playing video games in the first place!
