Thursday, February 3, 2011

Camelaonte [iOS] QWOP [PC, iOS]

Games exist that test all of our skills. Today I am going to look at games that focus on testing our patience, Camelaonte and QWOP. 

Camelaonte is a cutesy game where you play as a chamaeleon who eats apples. Collecting each different colour and spelling out Camelaonte will gain you bonus points. The higher up an apple is when you eat it the more points you will get as well. If you let an apple fall to the ground it will destroy the terrain beneath it rendering it impossible to cross. Eating a golden apple will return a square of ground.
Camelaonte is a simple game with only left and right controls and the eat button. The movement controls are a little small for my liking but one cannot fall of a ledge anyway. The only way to die in this game is to be hit by an apple and this is where the game tests your patience. It is basically impossible to die as you can always protect yourself with your tongue, which although it only shoots diagonally from your mouth can reach apples just above you. The only challenge in this game is how long can you play it for before it drives you mad.

QWOP seems like a great game to play if you watch this. In reality however it merely tests your patience. In QWOP the flash version, you control a runners thighs and calves with the keys q, w, o and p. You can work out a system and make it quite far. After a while I got to here,

before realising anything was better than crawling along in this game. The iOS version seems to have more control as well as offering five game modes but I refuse to pay $2.49 to play a game that will only infuriate me when I could receive that infuriation for free. If you are willing to donate to the full iOS review leave a comment below, otherwise happy awful gaming!