Monday, December 20, 2010

Company of Heroes, one of the greatest games of all time...

Company of Heroes is definitely high up on the list of greatest games. Here are a few reasons why:

1. You only need one disc to set it up on as many computers as you like. In the 21st century sharing is seen as a bad thing and playing a game with your friends is more or less banned. Company of Heroes is one game that bucks this trend and lets you play with all your friends, unless your playing the expansion pack, in which case it gets complicated...

2. It had a remarkably high level of detail for a game of it's day, with explosions going off left, right and centre, bodies flying about the battlefield and tank ruins littering the streets; the 2006 release game still holds up in terms of on-screen detail and action.

3. This detail actually meant something. Craters left on the battlefield form defensive positions for infantry to use, wrecks are salvageable and the injured can be recovered from battle. All of these little touches come together to make this a truly great game.

4. It's based on WWII. So much of the technology  was experimental and some of the more unique and interesting designs show up in the game. Things like the crab flails which saw use in the deserts as well as on D-Day to clear mines. The Wurfrahmen mounted on the SdKfz 251 Halftrack and flamethrowers, which are notionally banned under the Geneva convention these days.

5. It has a good manual. This is getting rarer and rarer and is a good reason to actually buy the game!

6. It's based off Warhammer 40k. Although I have no direct evidence of this and I certainly do not want to say that anyone infringed on anyone's copyright here as the ideas should be open to all. A lot of the things such as rear armour hit and the fact that this game translated to the Dawn of War series makes me think of the game's wargaming background.

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