Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dungeon Village [Android, iOS]

Dungeon Village is another sim by Kairosoft who specialise in this type of game. Your goal is to build a village for adventurers, who then go into the dungeons and fields surrounding your town to fight monsters and loot treasure.

The gameplay focuses on building things for and managing, your adventurers.You build an inn for your adventurers to recover in, item shops and places for them to train and if they really like your town they will move in permanently. You can also reward your heroes with new gear and medals for good performance.Quests will pop up in the field outside your town and will require you to pay a fee of gold to get your adventurers to complete them. They range from kill x monsters, to adventures through dungeons that yield lots of treasure and even boss fights.Initially these boss fights will challenge your adventurers but they suddenly reach a point where they go backwards in difficulty.


As you progress you receive a cauldron that you fill with magical ingredients in order to produce new items and buildings. This is like the "research" element of the game and it does add it bit of fun. Here you can develop powerful weapons for your adventurers and even create spell books for them to learn new magics. As I understand it, this is an element that was added after launch and in a way it exemplifies the problem with this game. Whilst it is good, it just needs a little something more.

If you have played one of Kairosoft's games then you have more or less played this game. If the theme suits you and you have never played a Kairosoft title before, give this game 1 point extra and give it a go, because their mechanic is fun the first time through. The game is priced at $4.49 AUD and I think this is a little too much to pay for something that just feels like a recycling of their other titles 6.9/10.


  1. buy it for me and i might play it

  2. I do an Android review especially for you and now you want me to buy you a game? I think it should work like this, I will do Wii U reviews for you once you get me one for Christmas :)
